Yesterday morning I was listening to CBC Radio One in the car on my way to work and was amazed (although not surprised) to hear the host, Andy Barrie, utter the title phrase when talking to a young child who was attending the radio broadcast (the CBC was hosting an annual fundraiser yesterday for the Daily Bread Foodbank by hosting the entire day's programming in public).
Obviously the statement was a joke but I couldn't help thinking about the irony of the statement. Is the CBC a religious organization? Given its ability to ignore facts and its reluctance to debate the reasons for its existence, the CBC behaves much like a religious organization.
Which is odd since Andy Barrie is an atheist, but some atheists tend to replace theistic religions with political equivalents. They may not believe that gods rule our lives, but they have no problems believing that governments should.
Which is why I hope that someday, when Canada becomes a secular nation, I stop funding the CBC. I have no problems with its existence, but I do have problems using my money to fund religious beliefs so I hope that our government funded propaganda machine is privatized alongside every other religious belief so that those who support such an initiative can fund it out of their own pockets.